How To Scale Your Real Estate Business Virtually with Neal Bawa
Announcer: You’re now listening to Real Estate Journeys with Matthew Baltzell. Matthew: Yo, what’s going on, everybody? This is your boy, Matty B., aka Matthew Baltzell, and welcome back to Real Estate Journeys, the exclusive podcast for new real estate investors...Grocapitus Founder Neal Bawa Talks Myths and Misconceptions About Opportunity Zones Investing Despite the growing popularity with Opportunity Zone investing, the potential for investor irrational exuberance exists. The truth is Opportunity Zone projects vary a great deal in quality, mainly because most Opportunity Zones simply do not have the...The “MoneyBall” Of Real Estate Investing w/ Neal Bawa
Top Multifamily Markets in the US with Neal Bawa
Do not simply buy a good property. Go in and work that property. Be an interventionist asset manager. Do not let your property manager call the shots. You’ve got to be in control. Not enough people are doing that.