The Most Important Coming Change in Real Estate Nobody is Talking About
[00:01 – 07:05] Opening Segment
- Neal introduces climate change and its effect on real estate
- “People don’t even know where to start.”
[07:06 – 18:28] The Most Important Coming Change in Real Estate Nobody is Talking About
- Real Estate is the No. 1 Victim of Climate Change
- Why You Should Worry About Climate Change
- Climate Change is Bullshit and its Impact
- Four Twenty Seven
- Looking in the future of real estate and climate change
- Neal compares the speed of change in COVID-19 and climate change
- No one is paying attention!
- Six Steps Model of Property Risks
[18:29 – 37:44] Taking Action and Moving Forward with Climate Change
- Climate Change Denial Podcast
- Today’s data points to the future
- Extrapolating to the Future
- Companies are taking actions on climate change
- Climate change and the reality of real estate
- Everybody is making a move, insurance companies included
- Neal talks about city downgrades
- Climate change is bigger than the coronavirus
“No other industry in the world is going to be impacted by climate change as much as real estate.” – Neal Bawa
“Everyone who has a trillion bucks cares.” – Neal Bawa
“Climate change may not be real but those property tax increases are real.” –Neal Bawa