Announcer: Welcome to the REI Foundation Podcast, where we cover all the steps and strategies to make your real estate dreams a reality. Now your hosts, Jason and Pili. Jason: Welcome to another edition of the Real Estate Investing Foundation Podcast with Jason and...
Listen to Neal’s most recent podcast guesting, an interview with Rod Khleif of Roofstock podcast. Neal Bawa – From Tech Exit to $150M Portfolio by Neal Bawa | Lifetime Cashflow...
Here is some of what you will learn: Market Selection What to look for in population growth Importance of using What to look for in income growth What criteria to use when selecting a neighborhood Why you buy for ‘bad times’ and not for ‘good times’...
Neal Bawa is the Founder of Grocapitus, a real estate investment company, and CEO of MultifamilyU, an apartment investing education company. He brings a new perspective to Real Estate Investing and Housing Trends using data and business intelligence. In this episode,...
In this episode, Whitney interviews Neal Bawa, Founder and CEO, GroCapitus Investments. Neal’s current portfolio of 1,000 units is set to grow to 2,000 units over the next 12 months. Neal shares how you can leverage the power of technology and data to scout, acquire...