Real Estate Investing with Analytics

Jul 7, 2020

Neal Bawa
This podcast guesting of Neal Bawa is hosted by Toby Mathis of the Anderson Business Advisors Podcast.
Today, Toby Mathis of Anderson Advisors talks to Neal Bawa, founder, and CEO of Grocapitus, a commercial real estate investment company. Neal is the CEO of MultifamilyU, an apartment-investing education company. He’s known as the Mad Scientist of Multifamily and uses the power of numbers to acquire properties and create profit for investors.

Rather than investing in real estate with emotion, try a more measured approach. Crunch numbers because data beats the gut feel and you can’t manage what you can’t measure. 



    • Why should you celebrate failures? A certain number of failures creates a very high rate of success. Failure is a necessary step to success.
    • What are the impacts of COVID-19 on real estate? Some good, but mostly bad effects, such as an increase in confirmed cases, job loss, and economic weakness.
    • Should investors consider buying or selling real estate right now? Plan ahead to project future wealth by buying and holding onto properties to generate cash flow.
    • Should you invest in the Stock Market, real estate, or both? Why? The Stock Market is stressful. Even when real estate values go down, rents tend to go up during a recession.
    • What should you consider when buying a property?
      • Population growth
      • Income growth
      • Home price growth
      • Crimes
      • Jobs
  1. What’s the future of real estate, interest rates, and the economy? Things will get back to normal. Opportunities will be available to invest in real estate.