Neal believes that we are at a turning point, where traditional commercial real estate will combine with Proptech and Fintech technology disruptors, and will truly reach its potential as a tradable, highly liquid asset class that will rival and eventually beat the stock market in its size and scope. He also believes that the Build-to-rent will become a much larger and more profitable part of the Multifamily asset class over the next 5 years, due to its uniquely desirable characteristics. Welcome to the show, Neal!
Key Points From The Episode:
- Neal’s background building his company from 10 to 400 employees.
- Investing in real estate to lower taxes.
- Where we are in the current economic climate.
- Understanding GDP growth/decline and when the US will actually be in a recession.
- The future of interest rates.
- The cons of locking in long-term debt in today’s economy.
- How to educate your investors as a syndicator.