Effects of Inflation and Mortgage Interest Rates on Real Estate

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How many times have you considered making an investment only to be provided with the legal documents, and freeze.

You’re not alone. But you CAN learn to read these documents, become a confident investor, and dive into building incredible wealth through passive investing. You just need the right foundation.

When you invest in syndications, you’re provided with a Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) – but what is it? Well, it’s a compilation of legal docs provided to prospective investors that details the investment opportunity and terms. 

But with a PPM in hand, how is an everyday investor supposed to understand the legal jargon? We want to help you easily navigate pages of legal documents so that you can make smart investment decisions.

Join Dugan Kelley, leading real estate attorney, as he breaks down the key areas a potential investor needs to know in a PPM. 

Register and join the webinar to learn:

  • How to dissect and digest a PPM 🕵️
  • The red flags you might come across 🚩
  • Exactly what you need to look out for! ⚠️
  • Everything you need to uncover in a PPM before investing capital into a deal 📖
  • How to locate and review key components of a PPM 🧭

This webinar will empower you to make smart investments in syndications with industry-leading returns. Avoid decision paralysis, gain confidence, and learn to understand syndication legal docs.

    Common Red Flags in Syndication Documents

    Where should we send your Common Red Flags in Syndication Documents webinar replay access information?

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    Toby Matis

    Dugan Kelley

    Co-founder, Kelley Clarke

    Meet Your Presenter and host

    Dugan Kelley is a top-rated real estate attorney and co-founder of Kelley Clarke, PC. As chair of the firm’s securities and real estate practice group, he assists clients in all phases of multifamily, commercial, and residential acquisitions and sales. Throughout his career, he has assisted clients in structuring real estate transactions in excess of $2 Billion. Currently, he specializes in syndication and securities services for clients across the United States. 

    Common Red Flags in Syndication Documents

    Where should we send your Common Red Flags in Syndication Documents webinar replay access information?

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    What Do Savvy Investors Say About Our Webinars?

    I have been involved in a few Real Estate Programs both Single Family Homes & Multifamily & found your program is more comprehensive in a short period of time & way less expensive.


    Lucy Joson


    Thanks for the seminar and follow-up. You stand out from other gurus. Your presentation was content-rich and up to speed with Silicon Valley styles – open, techie, and sharp. I like your process to select the Property Manager the most. It’s like picking a babysitter. If we do our homework to find a good babysitter, it gives the peace of mind. Otherwise, we spend more time managing bad ones. My A-ha from your seminar is why do we compromise to fit their styles when we have the choice to hire them or not in the beginning. Looking forward to joining your next event.


    Hubert Yu

    I think you guys did a great job presenting the content with clarity and in an organized matter. I have not been to other seminars on this topic, but I still can tell that your presentation must be better than others, just by the experience of having seen other speakers in other types of seminars.


    Brom Mahbod

    Wow! The thoroughness of the presentation was exceptional. Regardless of where you are in your real estate investing career, you would have learned something at this presentation. I left knowing how to better analyze markets, which will leave me making smarter and more profitable investments! Thank you.


    Leslie Plettner


    Very interesting and well-researched presentation! Not only will I be incorporating these upcoming disruptive trends into our future investments, I also plan to tweak our existing real estate and stock portfolio to maximize future returns and reduce risk.


    Adrian Clapp

    I just want to reach out and thank you for all your insights. I feel like a young padawan learner in this real estate syndication game. You have given my wife and I the perfect roadmap to generate a treasure map of the U.S. and to make data-driven decisions so we can remove the emotions out of our choices in the markets we are investing in. I feel like I have had a light saber with my software developer / data-science background and you just taught me how to use the force. I really look forward to learning so much more from you.


    Philip G

    Effects of Inflation and Mortgage Interest Rates on Real Estate

    Where should we send your Common Red Flags in Syndication Documents webinar replay access information?

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