Listen to Neal’s most recent podcast guesting, an interview with Brandon Elliot of Ready. Set. Go. Real Estate Investing
Opportunity Zone Pro, Syndicator, and Vice President of Grocapitus Investments
Josh: Welcome back to Capital hacking. This is Josh McCowen with my new voice and Eric, how are you doing?
Eric: Well, hello there, Josh Macallan.
Josh: I know. I know. Someday we’ll get over these voice problems, but here we are in the middle of our sequence of shows that were filmed. Live.
Eric: Yes.
Josh: Tennessee.
Eric: I like to call them the capital hacking ex, uh, tour because it’s a, an extended version of what we do here in the studio in New Jersey.
Josh: Yeah. And Anna Myers was on the show, and she’s part of the Grocapitus group. Remember we met Neal Bawa before. It was a great interview.
Eric: Yeah. And so was Anna. Uh, both. Absolutely brilliant minds.
Josh: Yeah. Like we said before, they have this great, uh, they’re going to teach us all about attracting the right community through education.
They’re also going to teach us all kinds of analytical. Based investing. I think you’re going to really enjoy this. Tenacious powerhouse. Anna Myers, Anna Myers, welcome to pod. We call it capital hackey ex.
Anna: I like that. Anything with hacking. I’m all about hacker.
Josh: Awesome. Thank you for them. It’s like life hacking 2.0 we want to, well, not only do we want to come up with cool things like Neal was, your partner was sharing with this before, but also, we want to find maximum efficiency for the investors that we partner.
Anna: Were so about with maximum efficiency. You, you speaking to the right people.
Josh: We really are. Now, we’ve gotten to meet this young lady because she is a famous speaker at the bigger pockets conference. We’re still on assignment right there.
Eric: Yes, absolutely. Bigger pockets. I always say it’s their first conference cause to me it’s their first.
Um, but it is technically their second. But we’re here. We’re here in, um, in the Gaylord Opry in Nashville, Tennessee, and we’re so excited and grateful. For audit to say yes to come to our studio right before the conference begins,
Josh: And we catch you right before you go on the big stage. I think it’s today.
Anna: It’s actually tomorrow, but, but, uh, you know, it’s, it’s super exciting anyway.
Right. It’s the first day of the big conference.
Eric: Yeah.
Anna: It’s great energy here at the Gaylord Opryland, which is an amazing location. If anyone hasn’t been there. Oh, my goodness. Whoa. This place is stunning. Like. Just
Eric: Shocking. Yeah.
Anna: Just a phenomenal location.
Josh: You’re absolutely right. This is a Marriott property that feels like a casino.
The scale of it without this casino floor,
Anna: it’s so good. A little bit of Disneyland, you know. It’s just so magical and over the top. Yeah. It’s expected.
Eric: It’s way unexpected to me too. Yeah. So, what we’d like to do on a is, uh, at the beginning of our show, we want to really get to know you. So we ask for, you know, what was that entrepreneurial bug that bit you early in life that made you realize, you know, maybe in hindsight, you know, you know what, I always had this in me to, to be my own, to be a business owner.
So, what, what was that moment for you? Oh, yeah.
Anna: Well, I guess I would start out by saying I’ve always been entrepreneur, entrepreneurial. Um, so even though I worked corporate jobs in my life, I, um, was an Inn. I had an escort from very early on, so I always worked for myself. Yes. So, so I don’t have a very low, I’m not, I’ve haven’t had a W2 even in my twenties, I had an S Corp.
Josh: So, was your specialty?
Anna: In tech? I was a programmer and then became a systems architect. Um, so I’m like, uh. Um, you know, a very organized person on all, always into like modeling and data. Um, but my, the, the entrepreneurial spirit in me really goes back to the fact that my, my grandfather is a commercial real estate entrepreneur.
He was a real Maverick in Southern California. So, I’m the youngest of 16 grandchildren born into this environment that, uh, my grandfather had created. He was, um, actually a flipper. That he lived in Tampa. He saw what was going on in the West coast in California. He sold what he had there and moved to California.
He started buying up houses and flipping them. This is like in the forties
Eric: Yeah. And that a revolutionary
Anna: And building up a portfolio. And over time develop, she started buying Walnut groves and orange grows. And as the developer started developing shopping malls.
Eric: Oh wow.
Anna: So, when I was a kid, I, you know, would go to grandpa’s shopping mall, you know, and go ice skating and go to his.
So, um, and my father’s an architect and a developer, and my, my uncles were. General construction as well. So, I was raised in an entrepreneurial family. My, you know, their mantra was always, you know, it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep. And, uh, you know, so, so, you know, when we look at buying a property, we’re like.
How do I 10 31 into that, like, you know, we just always have had a different idea about how to do it. And I, I’m, I’m the, you know, I’ve got lots of brothers and sisters as well, so we’re, we all think that way. Well, I’m the one, the youngest of five, then I have two step siblings, so there’s seven of us.
Josh: That’s a big family.
Anna: Yeah. They family
Eric: Grew up in California.
Anna: Yep. Grew up in Southern California, and then, um, you know, all my oldest older cousins and all, they were all working at the architecture office and the commercial real estate office. And so, my parents were always like, well, what are you going to do.
Right? Because I am the type of person, I have a very strong art side and a very strong science side. So, they were like, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? How are you going to figure your way out in life? Like they didn’t know which way I was going to go. Well, what happened is, um, I actually had a child.
Very young. Okay. So I was, had a single parent as a teenager, and that made me get serious very quickly.
Eric: Such a blessing to have a struggle like that.
Anna: Yeah. So, so I had graduated from high school and I actually was, uh, uh, going to college at UC Berkeley. And, um, so what I decided at that point was to become a programmer.
Um, computers were becoming, you know, like the next best thing. And so, as a programmer, I could make a really good hourly wage and continue. Obviously, I went to school three days a week and worked as a programmer two days a week and was able to raise my child. Um, so that’s why that’s, you know, that’s the why in terms of I.T.
But I also, you know, that’s why I didn’t start out as an artist. Right. And I figured, well, I could always. You know, by, by programming, I can pay for diapers, you know, pay for my rent and, um, I could afford film because I was really into photography. So,
Josh: When you say a Ford film, you mean filming?
Anna: Buying film for my, for my camera actually.
Josh: I mean, just the, the actual
Anna: Processing is super expensive and so, and I needed to document my child’s life, so I was always taking pictures of my child. Right. And then, anyway, so, um, fast forward. Uh, you know, I have this great career in IT. I’ve, I, you know, become a systems architect.
I’m speaking at conferences worldwide, running these huge platforms for Sybase. And, um, and then what happened is the tech industry crashed in 2000, I don’t know if you guys are in 2000. Yeah. That’s what was right after White’s UK. But yes. Yeah. So, the, the eye industry. Pretty much crashed.
And it, it had really to do with outsourcing cause everything was being outsourced. Right. And so, then the, the local talent, they were saying, Hey, we can, you know, we, we can replace you with, you know, pennies on the dollar. Right. So, as a, as a consultant, cause remember I never worked at W2.
I was always an entrepreneurial person. They were like, you know, we’re, we’re going to reduce your consulting to this. And I’m like. Not happening guys. At that point, I’d gotten married. Okay. To a guy that was also an it. So, the crash really hit our household hard and my husband didn’t have an any other, if he was a network engineering systems guy, he didn’t have anything else that he could do.
So I had no choice but to open a photography studio.
Eric: Oh, that’s how you do your passion, one of your passions, right?
Anna: Yeah.
Eric: You finally got to realize it. That’s awesome.
Anna: Yeah. So, I switched to photography. I, um, bought all digital equipment. That was kind of my end, and I already was an expert in Photoshop and a, you know, very good in business.
So, I opened a photography studio in the San Francisco Bay area. And, um,
Eric: what was your specialty that.
Anna: People. I’m a people photographer.
Eric: Oh wow. You mean like portraits?
Anna: Yeah, I, you know, I used to do everything at once, you know, as a generalist. And then I narrowed down to what was the most efficient.
Right. Which was portraits because it made the most dollars per hour. And I didn’t have to work weekends because I still had an I, you know, I still had children and family, so, um. And I outsourced, by the way, I had my, my designers, my retouchers were in the Ukraine. And so, I, you know, it was all about maximum efficiency from the very beginning, because I was running teams that were all over all over the world as a, as an I.T person.
And then I just continued to do that as a photographer. So, um, so yeah. So, then I satisfied that art side of me, and
Eric: it’s perfect timing because you got back into it when digital started to rise and like processing all of that. Stuff. All the messy stuff started to go away.
Anna: Yeah, it was, it was a while, but it was my, you know, my, my way in was to, to have that.
And, uh, so yeah, it was, it was, it was. Phenomenal to be able to do that and have like a full career in both. Um, but what happened is that, uh, so I had a very successful studio and I realized that I was just getting slaughtered with taxes. It’s like the more I made, the more I had to pay. It was just ridiculous.
I’m like, I am just working for the government. Just sign me up. You know? They’re just. You know?
Eric: So, it’s a bloodline. I know my bloodline,
Anna: So, I’m like, I have to solve this problem. This is just draining me. And so, I went back to my roots and said, of course I need to buy real estate and invest in real estate to help with my taxes.
Eric: Well, those are that right? There is a little bit of a jump for me and I just want to drill in because you are incredible. So. You’re obviously, your family knows how to build buildings and build development and all that.
Anna: There was always investors going on in the bathroom
Eric: And you said your family always taught you.
Anna: My grandfather had a very large portfolio. Yes. And so, so in the background there is, you know, my family has still had a commercial portfolio. They’ve got, everybody’s always buying rentals and that type of stuff. Yeah, so, so I’m
Eric: No book not like one pivotal book or, or, or a friend that you met that helped you transition?
Anna: No, I would say that was, that was my family. That was, that was on that side. But interestingly enough, my father was always very much like, be careful with real estate. Be careful with real estate because they’d been through such bad cycles,
Josh: Well you know California always would always peak and then widow there.
How often would there be like a little setback and. Because we’ve always known California to be unbelievably priced. I mean,
Anna: Yeah. And so, I always bought out of state, by the way. So, when I bought, I bought out of state. So, I’ve always been struggling to find the best markets. Right. And again, I’m very data oriented.
So how do you find the best markets? That’s been just a driving force for me because I never invested in California other than my primary. Primary house.
Eric: So, can you share some of that? Cause our audience, and I personally would love to hear your thoughts about how you identify like right markers.
Anna: Sure! So, you know, now I’m, I’m a fulltime syndicator by the way, you know, fast forward a little bit more. Right now, I’m the full-time syndicator. I’m partnered with Neal Bawa, um, who is also a, uh, a technologist. So together as technologist, we bring. A data science to real estate. So, we, we apply, uh, extreme data analytics to everything we do.
And in, um, in finding markets, um, we, we look at many of the things that you hear lots of people talking about. You know, we’re looking for markets that have jobs. We’re looking for markets that have population increase. We never. We never invest in it. market. That’s losing population. It’s just a no go for us.
So, I’m from a market standpoint, you know, if we’re looking for these, these trajectories, right? But then we don’t stop there. We, um, are focused also on the micro neighborhood. Right? So, from the micro neighborhood level, we’re looking at median household income. We’re looking at poverty level unemployment, um, cost of housing.
Um, so it’s very specific metrics that we’re looking for to make sure that our tenants can afford to pay the rent. That, uh, you know, there’s a tenant base that’s going to be a positive tenant base for our building. Now I’m not saying we’re looking for the most expensive. Um, neighborhood. Cause we’re not, we’re looking for that sweet spot where we’re going to be able to cashflow, but our tenants can afford to pay us rent.
And there’s, there’s data that you can look at that will give you that best foot forward. So first find your market. By looking at job trends, there’s, uh, there’s websites that you can look at that will show you where, who, who has the highest jobs in the nation consistently year over year, I think it’s department of
So, if you go to department of and then there is, it’s like a table of data and, but you can sort it and you’re going to sort by the column that’s indicating the growth percentage. And you’ll see. This then and keep tracking it. So, bookmark that and keep looking at what markets are bringing the, bringing the jobs right.
You’ll see a market like Reno are really up there, very, very high. Reno’s been very high. Las Vegas, Phoenix off the charts with, with, uh, job growth and then a market that many people have never really heard of before. St George, Utah. Never heard of it
Josh: Never heard of it from you.
Eric: No, I had not heard of it until you,
Anna: Okay so St. George, Utah is one of the fastest growing metros in the United States. Job growth is off the hook there.
Eric: So, yeah. What, uh, enlightened us. What’s happening?
Josh: What would be, what would be driving,
Anna: You know, it’s, it’s about 90 minutes from Las Vegas. It’s okay. So, it’s Utah, but it’s the.
Southern most city and Utah. So, it’s not a snowy area of Utah. It’s actually a sunny area of Utah. And what’s coming in there is a, and it’s got a, a university Dixie state, which has become, you know, it has really increased in there, their offerings. So that’s become popular. But a lot of retirees are moving to st George and that brings a lot of services to st George.
They don’t necessarily have like a tech bubble there. Like Provo for example, has Silicon slopes and these other areas. So, I’m not going to tell you there’s a Silicon st George because there isn’t. But there just is a lot of businesses moving in there and it, and the retirees have a lot to do with it.
But if you look at job growth in there. It’s crazy. Do you, and so what happens when you have all job growth and with jobs comes population, right? Cause people are looking for good jobs. So, you’ve got job growth and population. Now we’re multifamily. So, we’re all about occupancy. Do you know what the occupancy is in st George?
The average occupancy. I
Eric: Average occupancy rate and st Joe, I’m guessing it’s good since you’re bringing it up, I’ll send a 75%
Anna: No occupancy. So, so, so, and your, for your multifamily, you want, typically you want your occupancy in a good market, you’re like 90 you want to look at like 94%. And above.
So that means you’ve got 6% vacancy on average in the market. That’s a strong market. Very strong market in 94 95 solid markets. St George, the occupancy is 98.8% actually, no, we just did a market study there. 99.2% yeah.
Eric: That’s impossible to believe. Oh my gosh,
Anna: 0.8% vacancy housing. They need more housing.
They need more housing. So that’s why we’re investing in st George. But we were not able to find, we were looking for multifamily looking for multifamily, and Neal and I went out to st George for like scouring the older multi-families. Everybody’s overcharging for them because. Why would you want to sell your multifamily if it’s 100% occupied and you can continue to raise rent?
I mean, rent growth is like year over year is, is tremendous cause there’s not enough places to live. Right, right. So, um, so we instead partnered with a developer. So, we are actually building a 116 units. In st George, because if you can’t, if you can’t find something existing and you can get the right price for building, and we’re, we’re partnered with a vertically integrated developer, so, so that way we’re able to save a lot of prices, uh, save a lot of costs, and they’re partnered with us for the long term.
So, a great project. Um, and it has another twist that we love in a multifamily. When our partner bought the land, he was able to get it grandfathered in as the last piece, last parcel that included. A short-term rental regulation. And the other thing that’s next to st George is Zion national park.
So, Zion is a huge vacation destination, right? It’s gorgeous. Have you even ever seen an look it up? I mean, it’s just the red rocks. Just, I can’t,
Eric: And how far is it away?
Anna: It’s like 45 minutes from st George. St George is like the largest, you know, big city near. Um, so, uh, so we are building 116 units, but 24 of those units are going to be offset from the rest of the community and targeted for vacation rental.
And then our clubhouse is being designed. So that part of the clubhouse. Um, facilitates the short-term rentals. So, um, yeah. So, we’re, you know, we’re mixing media here. We’re mixing things up.
Eric: Is this the first project of this type for you as, as a developer.
Anna: Um, well, we have another one that’s gonna come up in Mesa that’s very similar, but we aren’t, this isn’t our first development project.
Um, so, so in our portfolio, which is, um, about 2000 units is growing very fast. I, I can’t even keep track of the numbers, but I would say about 60% is value add. And 40% is new construction.
Eric: I mean, we usually. Take a break, but you think, Oh, it’s because these guys are trying to fit a nice little sponsorship and no, it’s cause we’ve got to catch our breath.
Yes. We’ll be right back.
So, we’re back to capital hacking with Anna Myers.
So Anna. We’ve, we’ve, first of all, we grabbed you last name when we were at the bigger pockets conference, and I said, I’ve got to ask you, would you be on the without her hands? We did not use her hands. No. Okay. I’ll correct that. I walked into a situation where you guys were already right into a hugging mode.
Oh yeah. There was a hug.
Anna: There was no physical contact. We, you know, Neal and I were all It was beautiful group huddle, right? Yeah.
Josh: Because we’ve already gone over some interesting things. And then I think maybe that was when we said, we’ve got to do the interview tomorrow, 100% and so we grabbed you. You were at the Capitol hacking X studio in the conference inside the bigger pockets.
Nashville, Tennessee. And this is why. Well, first of all, let’s, let’s go ahead and talk about your speech. Your, your presentation is one of a kind here and its own opportunities zones now. Yeah. We have an audience that actually has a little bit of knowledge of opportunities, and so maybe we can just hit it with an angle.
What is the key thing you want to do? Give to the audience tomorrow when you give your opportunities and speech.
Anna: Sure. Well, well, I’m a lot of people, first of all, most people don’t understand opportunities. And, and let’s just establish that.
Eric: That is true.
Anna: It’s, there’s so much missing information out there, but my speech tomorrow, not only, uh, you know, explains, you know, the basics of opportunity zones, but it’s about the five perils of opportunities zone.
Eric: Wow.
Anna: Because again, we’re, we’re trying to.
Just say, so many people are so excited about opportunities zones. They hear the word tax benefits and tax-free, and their eyes just light up and their brain shuts down and they don’t, they aren’t understanding the perils of, of, you know, so the regulations are set up a very specific way. And because of those, they’re theirs.
So, if you’re going to buy a project or if you are going to buy into an opportunity zone fund, there’s very specific things that you need to be aware of and look out for. So that. Um, so that you end up being successful. So, um, I can hit, uh, okay. So, I’m going to assume your audience understands the three tax and sets tax
Josh: We do. But do your fast. Would you mind just showing me again?
Eric: I think most of them have heard it because we’ve had some experts on.
Anna: Excellent. Excellent.
Eric: And we thank. Melanie and I and the team here, we’ve done an opportunity to infancy. Sometimes we’ve shared that on the radio.
Anna: Okay.
Eric: I call this the radio even though it’s a podcast but go ahead.
Anna: Okay, so two things. As an investor, as a passive investor, or I guess it’s the active person that the three benefits of opportunities zones are. Number one, tax deferral. So, you defer paying your capital gain that you’re bringing in. By the way, you have to bring in a capital gain. If it’s only cash, you don’t get any of the benefits.
So, the capital gain that you’re bringing in, um, it gets deferred for up to seven years. You don’t have to pay the, the capital gain until April of 2027. If you are, and then the second benefit is a step down in basis. So if you are seven years out, then you get a reduction of the amount of capital gains you’d be paying to by 15% now, if, um, if you don’t invest in an opportunity zone fund for another two years or so, now you no longer seven years.
Five years.
Eric: Right.
Anna: That goes to 10% and eventually it gets to zero. Right? So, it’s a step down, right? So those are our two big ones. And a lot of people look at those two and they’re like, yeah, that wasn’t what I was expecting. That’s not very exciting. Well, the exciting one is the third one.
The third one is that, first of all, you have to hold the project for 10 years. You can’t come out earlier than that. Assuming you hold it for 10 years, all of the appreciation that you gain on that project, on that property, once you sell 10 years in a day after your first investment or later, then you, that capital gain is tax free forever.
And when you do the numbers and you look at comparing an opportunity zone investment versus a regular investment where you paid taxes on the capital gains and then you did your, it is. Uh, astronomically different. The amount of money that you will make in an opportunity zone situation versus non-OZ, it’s like a 60% increase.
It’s very dramatic. So that gets people so excited. But one thing that people, a lot of people don’t understand is from the project standpoint, what is required. And the key thing there is the words substantial improvement. So, when you purchase a, um, an opportunity zone project or you are investing in one, uh, through a fund.
The operator of that has to substantially improve the project. And what that means is if, for example, they had $1 million property that they purchased and the building on the property was valued at 750 and the land was deemed two 50 they have to bring in another 750 K on top of that million dollars to substantially improve.
The project. So, whatever the value of the building is, they’ve got to improve it that much. A lot of people don’t understand that. And when I tell them that the wind gets sucked out of the room.
Josh: Well, and let’s explain why. Because a lot of times you and I are in audiences where people want to buy multi-families,
Anna: Right and
Josh: And the whole business is you’re trying to buy cashflow, you’re looking to redevelop it.
Anna: Right. And they’re trying to do a value-add scenario. And what we like to say is there is not enough lipstick you can put on that pig.
Josh: There’s nothing. You wouldn’t want to spend yourself $10 million multifamily, and most of that was the building would not want to invest another $10 million.
Anna: Just doesn’t make any sense. Right. It makes no sense. So, unless you were had a whole, um, uh, additional parcel on the back and then you were going to build another building, right. What we’re talking about here is not a value-add play. We’re talking about development; we’re talking about construction. And so again, this is a mind shift for people that think about opportunities and they’re like, I’m not a developer.
I don’t know how to do that. Like now, that’s a whole thing that they’re going to back away from. So that’s where we get into the perils understanding those two premises right. So, if you are building, so we all understand that opportunities zones are census tracks with lower income. So, let’s, you know, so that’s the basis of them.
We’re trying to incentivize capital to go in and improve those areas. So now we’re talking about new development in lower income areas. And that can be a mismatch. If you’re building a class A building in a class C area, that’s a challenge. Okay, so one of the things that a, so how do you avoid that?
Well, of those 8,700, uh, over 8,700 opportunity zones, over 19% of them are in already gentrifying areas. They are not. Considered lower income. If you look at them, there are opportunities zones in San Francisco. There are opportunities zones in San Jose. There are opportunities zones in Provo, Utah.
You look at those locations and you’re like. There is no way. Why is this an is opportunity zone? Well, it was designated by the state governor and certified by the U S treasury. So, we can wonder, uh, you know, but the fact is that those 8,700 census tracks are out there for all of us to pick and choose from.
So, choose wisely, because you don’t have to be in an area that is significantly lower income. Right.
Josh: Well and I don’t, you know, I think you are, to give you credit. That is exactly right. You should do the analytics.
Anna: Absolutely. And so, we’re all about the data analytics. So again, we were very specific about our markets and we apply that to our opportunity zones.
So, we’re out there looking for the best opportunity zone markets. So that we can protect our, our investors capital, right? Because we’re coming in there as, as, as you know, developers that we’re partnered with and creating great value for our investors. But we want to start with the best leg forward.
And that starts with data.
Eric: We, um, you know, the, that is a fantastic, deep dive into opportunities. And I know. Yes. Well, there’s more information. Do you have more opportunities, own information on your website and on your CSS?
Anna: In fact. Okay. Get this. Okay. I got a good one for you. We have, um, a just like, we have a real estate toolkit that Neal told you about. Yes, we have put together an O Z toolkit.
Eric: Awesome.
Anna: So if you go to our website. Um, actually I can tell you, I can tell you right now. You can, you can text OZ toolkit. OZ T, O, L, K, I. T. two, four, four, two, two, two. Okay. Okay. Four, four, two, two, two. That’s the number to text and type the word.
OZ toolkit. And by doing that, you will get free access. There’s no, there’s no catch. There’s no gimmick. You’ll get free access to a ton of information. You’ll get an eBook about the five payrolls. I only talked about one and I only talked about the answer to half of one. I mean, again, you got to come to my speech at Bigger Pockets dear.
Yeah, but at OZ toolkit, you’ll have an eBook that has all of them. There are two webinars on there. There’s a calculator on there. There are all kinds of reports. So, we’ve created this repository of awesome knowledge about OZ and again, it’s free because we are, that’s how we are. We’re abundance mindset. Yes, you love to give away information.
Eric: You guys are great educators and people can find that on
Anna: Well, again, if you just texted him, don’t worry about where it is. Just text the word O Z toolkit to four, four, two, two, two. We will magically take you there.
Josh: I love Anna. You guys are you and Neal.
Now we should say in the past episodes, we’ve had your partner on the phone or on the phone, on the podcast, and the two of you are dynamos and you guys are just dynamic of fact. A pod max is coming out to see you guys.
Eric: Yes. We’re coming to spread the love and be a part of your community. Cause uh, yeah, it’s, I think it’s a perfect fit.
Yeah. We could really, really, uh. Benefit all together.
Anna: Yeah. Well, capital a hacking, you know, I love the name and Neal and I are total hackers.
Eric: You really are and truly you really are.
Anna: And we haven’t even gotten into it. I, okay, let me give you one more tip. This is an O Z hack. Okay. Yeah. Cause I’ve got so many, we’ll have to talk another time about asset management, all that other stuff we were talking about offline.
Okay. Here’s a nosy hack. When you are looking at a census track, so say you found that market, right? You found you’ve used your data, you found that that area that’s gentrifying, where in the census tract do you invest?
Eric: True Okay Share it with us.
Anna: Okay. Where within that census tract?
Josh: So, if it’s a circle, you’re saying, do you go, where do you go to the edge?
Anna: Exactly. Remember. What’s around the census track around the census tract or areas that have higher levels of income. So, we invest on the OZ edges, and that is a terminology that is, that is, we came up with that, by the way, if you ever hear it anywhere else,
Eric: Trademark.
Anna: That is a trade. That is, it. Okay. My partner’s brain. Explodes about 17 times a day. And that was one of his little explosions. Yeah. Was O Z edges. And so, our project, in fact, our, our project in Provo, Utah, that’s mill race, fantastic project, transit-oriented development. It is on the edge of an opportunity zone.
Josh: As I’ve seen, by the way, guys, if you haven’t seen their work, um, that’s the only reason we want to give your website out and it though.
Anna: Oh no. It’s a gorgeous project, isn’t it?
Josh: Projects you do. Are fantastic. Are you doing with partners? And maybe that’s where we can kind of land the ship here because you guys are so dynamos and we’re learning about your company. It’s called Grocapitus.
Anna: Grocapitus is the syndication side of the house and multifamily you are the education side of the house. So, we’re all about both.
Josh: And would you Grocapitus is such a great, it sounds great. Obviously, I believe we all understand the name is capitus like a, the word for capital in another language. Exactly.
Anna: Yup. And then it’s a mashup. So, it’s G, R, O. No, W. C. A. P. I. T. U. S. so it’s a mashup together. A grow capital that’s a little bit more modernized and, and a mashup.
Josh: So that Grocapitus group has a strategy where. You guys don’t actually limit yourself to the work you can do because you have the partners in the education, in the analysis and the hacks to create massive wealth for your investors.
Anna: We’re very, very scalable.
Josh: But you scale with partners.
Anna: We scale with partners and we also scale with virtual assistants. And I don’t know if Neal mentioned that, but we have an army of virtual assistants. That we leveraged. So, we’re a very lean shop. It’s me and Neal and a couple of how, you know, part time workers marketed that mostly on the marketing side and other than me and Neal and those few people. We’ve got nine VA’s and we’re always growing.
Eric: So yeah. Yeah. I Have so much to learn.
Josh: Well, that’s why we’re coming in to see you and Neal’s like, come see us and.
Anna: Want to talk about maximum efficiency we are through and through maximum efficiency.
Josh: But that goes to another way to understand capital agony because your point isn’t so much to have the four-hour work week.
Even though I’ve met great people that talk about the four-hour work week with all these acts, you guys want to have 40 hours or ten four-hour work weeks. That’s kind of the way you’re doing it.
Anna: We have 160-hour work week, but that doesn’t mean. That I’m working 160 hours. I mean, yes, I’m putting in in my time.
Believe me, it’s not even 160 it’s like 800-hour work week. But we’re leveraging the power of our virtual assistants and the software when we have lots of software that we use to keep everybody on moving forward in the same way. So. Yeah, we’re again, broad technology.
Josh: And the benefit is your investors. I mean, it benefits your investors.
Anna: Absolutely. And our tenants, by the way, don’t forget about our So, um, so we’re really all about, if you’ve got happy tenants, then you’ve got happy investors, right? They go hand in hand. So, what a lot of people are all about the investors, but don’t forget about our tenants because we are in the business of creating homes for people.
And we can’t forget about that side. We’re not just in the business of making money. We’re in the business of making homes.
Eric: Right. Love it. Fair to fair trade. The way you do that, you talk about your investors the same way you’re talking about your tenants. So, to be continued since we are come see you, people waiting for us for downstairs. And uh, it’s been such a great time here with you, Ana.
Josh: I know we can capture you away and you have to be part of like a VIP events of gas. So, this is exciting. We can’t wait to come out in California a bunch of ways people can reach you after they’ve heard this story. They want text message, Eric. Well now I’m sure there’s a way.
Anna: So I know Neal was talking earlier. If you’ve listened to his about all those webinars, you’ll hear my voice over and over again. I host the webinars. Um, so a lot of people, when they meet me, they’re like, I know your voice. I’m like, yeah, I know.
Eric: You have a face for TV though.
Anna: Oh, thank you.
Eric: I’m glad you’re on webinars too.
Anna: They’re there all the audio down, so I have to, I have to project my voice. What I didn’t tell you guys is that the little bit of the story I didn’t tell you about my growing up life is I started as a child. I was an actress on stage. Yes, yes.
California and a California girl. Y’all grew up in LA from eight to 17 I was an actress on stage.
Josh: So which kind of things would you have done?
Anna: Just children at children’s theater, you know? Yeah. So anyway, is an amazing place to, to stay in touch with me. Join me on webinars.
Um, Anna, which is A-N-N-A is a great email for me if you’d like to reach out. Um, but join our community, stay in touch. It’s all free. You know, so. So come build your knowledge and, um, be part of our community.
Eric: Awesome. Love it.
Josh: It’s a pleasure having you here. Oh, by the way, we have a gift for you right after this, and that’s a tease for those of you who are going to be on the show.